Breaking the stigma around pelvic floor dysfunction
80% of patients who believe they have interstitial cystitis actually have something known as “pelvic floor dysfunction.” That's right. Pelvic. Floor. Dysfunction. No, your uterus is not falling. No, you are not too young to have thi...
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What Is Getting Diagnosed with Interstitial Cystitis Mean?
Recently diagnosed with Interstitial Cystitis and trying to figure out exactly what this really means? I get this question almost every day. Actually, truth be told, I get this question multiple times a day. The diagnosis of Interstitial cystitis can often be daunting...
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Suffering from Chronic Illness: 4 Essential Tips
Consider the term “chronic.” Often, it causes a tailspin. Why? The chronicity of anything, whether it be illness, pain, or injury implies longevity, and that can often lead of feelings of hopelessness or depression. Pelvic pain is often a chronic illness. Understandin...
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How to Make the Most Out of Your Appointment With Your Pelvic Pain Specialist
The truth: visiting the doctor's office can often be cumbersome and overwhelming. When you’re in pain, it’s an even more daunting experience. I’ve seen patients who have spent years trying to pin down the cause of painful periods, painful sex or unexplaine...
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What’s Your WHY?
“Be fearless in the pursuit of what sets your soul on fire.” - Jennifer LeeI guess you could say when I became a physician, I essentially “went into the family business.” I come from a family of physicians, dentists, and pharmacists.I grew up watc...
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Crosstalk Between the Immune System and Neural Pathways in Interstitial Cystitis/Bladder Pain Syndrome
Abstract: Interstitial Cystitis/Bladder Pain Syndrome (IC/BPS) is a condition causing intense pelvic pain and urinary symptoms. While it is thought to affect millions of people and significantly impair quality of life, difficulty with diagnosis and a lack of reliably effective tr...
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The Importance of Self-Care
Self-care. It's a term that’s thrown around constantly these days. There has been an intense focus on self-care in our generation and perhaps rightfully so. It’s something I advocate to my patients as a pelvic pain specialist and also a practice I’ve embra...
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