
What You Should Know About MicroGen Testing for Interstitial Cystitis & Pelvic Pain

At Pelvic Pain Doc, our patients' treatment, recovery and well-being is our number one priority. We stay up to date with what’s happening in the world of pelvic pain, and are always researching the latest technologies and treatment techniques to provide our patients w...

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Mashable: Intimate Rose Products Relieve Pelvic Pain

Pelvic pain is one of the most mystifying conditions out there, with many multifactorial causes and wide ranges of symptoms. There's no one-size-fits-all diagnosis for pelvic pain — and that’s why treating pelvic pain requires a holistic approach, often involvin...

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What is Persistent Genital Arousal Disorder (PGAD)?

The ability to become sexually aroused sounds like a good thing, right? Well, under normal circumstances, it absolutely is! But it's true that you can have too much of a good thing. Imagine if you persistently experienced symptoms of sexual arousal … all the time. Th...

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Bustle: Will I Ever Be Cured Of Vaginismus?

Imagine living with severe, stabbing pain in your vagina and you'll understand what it’s like to live with vaginismus. This condition refers to the involuntary contraction of the vaginal muscles during penetration of any kind — including sex, tampons and toys. I...

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CBD and Sex: What’s Up With CBD Lubricants?

Let's get right down to business: CBD can improve your sex life. Yes, you read that right. Cannabis-based products, such as CBD lubricants, can have positive effects far beyond getting high. We’ve all heard that CBD can help with stress, insomnia or pain — but r...

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What are Uterine Fibroids and How are They Treated?

So your pelvic pain doctor suspects you may have uterine fibroids, or maybe you've recently been diagnosed. You probably have a million concerns on your mind: what are uterine fibroids? Where did they come from? Does this mean I have cancer?First of all, the most important...

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Women’s Health: There Are Major Health Benefits When You Masturbate On Your Period

Your period. It's kind of the worst, right? Well, it shouldn’t be. Although for many it can include painful cramps, uncomfortable bloating, and irritability, it’s something we have to live with, so we might as well enjoy it right? Turns out, we can with self-sti...

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Demystifying Common Pelvic Floor Dysfunction Symptoms

The pelvic floor isn't a part of the body most people often think about — if they even know what it is at all. But even if you aren’t aware of it, your pelvic floor muscles are involved in many of your body’s day-to-day functions, everything from urinary a...

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Inc.: How 4 Companies are Dealing With Big Coronavirus-Related Demand

While the economic future is uncertain for some industries, others have been experiencing a huge uptick in demand, Inc. reports. Aloe vera producers are one of them because aloe vera gel is one of three ingredients in homemade hand sanitizer. Yet, a business owner, who makes aloe...

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The Benefits of Virtual Appointments With Pelvic Pain Doc

Let's skip the standard line about living in unprecedented times. That goes without saying. What might not be so clear is how to maintain your health and look after yourself while everything around you is changing. As the current COVID-19 situation unfolds, we’re all...

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